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My Approach

An upbeat, credible and high-energy speaker focused on optimizing  decision-making, reputation and culture change, I typically adopt a behavioral lens using research and practical stories from across industry and society.


Echoing themes from my book Tune In, I advocate the importance of hearing who and what really matters, explaining why we lose out when the human dimension is underestimated. 

Sample Engagements...

Keynotes and MC

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I deliver keynote addresses and moderate panels for Corporations, Universities, Human Rights Associations, Sports Entities and Media Platforms around the world. Topics reach leaders, investors, employees or customers, and typically include the following:


*   Inclusive Decisions for Modern Leaders

*   The Decision Ninja: The Art of Judgement

*   Inside the Discrimination Mind

*   Unconscious Mistakes Most Leaders Make

*   Boardroom Bear Traps & Judgement Killers

*   The Psychology of Decision-Making

*   Navigating Power & Influence For Success

*   Negotiating without Emotion or Ego

*   Conscience vs Convenience: Ethical Choice

*   Whistle-blowing: Stand By or Stand Up? 

*   Tuning Into Your Professional Brand

*   Get Ahead: How Women Gain & Lose Power

*   Resilience 101: Pressure in Uncertainty

*   The 7 Pitfalls of Perfectionism


I've interviewed Presidents, Fortune 500 CEOs, Olympic medal holders, FBI investigators, and a host of executives seeking to outperform and make a difference in a competitive world.

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TEDx Talk

How to Overcome Indecision

Viewed by half a million people, this popular TEDx talk addresses the 3 psychological reasons why we can't make decisions - and offers a range of simple solutions designed to help individuals, business leaders struggling to decide in any capacity. 

TEDX Speaker

Podcasts and Media

I have been interviewed on a wide range of podcasts and radio about business strategy,  branding  human behavior, FinTech, fake news, misinformation,  whistleblowing  and investment management. I have also been interviewed  by the FT, RTE, Fox Business and BBC World Service.

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In The Media

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I'd be happy to speak about any of the above topics, all of which help us lead better lives and make better decisions. Feel free to reach out. 

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